• #1 1 pt(s)

    Which verb is in the simple past?

  • #2 1 pt(s)

    Which verb is a regular verb?

  • #3 1 pt(s)

    The correct past form of the sentence "He goes to school every day." is:

  • #4 1 pt(s)

    The best translation of the sentence "They didn't have a good time." is

  • #5 1 pt(s)

    Consider the interrogative form of the sentence " He knew the answer."

  • #6 1 pt(s)

    Which adverb is used to the simple past?

  • #7 1 pt(s)

    The correct short answer to the question "Did you invite her to the party?".

  • #8 1 pt(s)

    Read the stretch and choose the correct statement: " Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist who discovered the theory of general relativity, effecting a revolution in physics."

  • #9 1 pt(s)

    Acrescentamos -ed ao final dos verbos irregulares para fazer o seu passado simples.

  • #10 1 pt(s)

    O Simple Past é usado para indicar ações passadas já concluídas, ou seja, para falar de fatos que já aconteceram; que começaram e terminaram no passado.

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Quiz criado por nair381 em 17/02/2020 e atualizado em 28/02/2020. Esse quiz foi resolvido 2966 vezes.
