• #1 1 pt(s)

    Complete: Sophia ___ play tennis well. She’s a good tennis player.

  • #2 1 pt(s)

    You have a bad cold. You ___ see a doctor after school.

  • #3 1 pt(s)

    Nancy ___ play the piano when she was four.

  • #4 1 pt(s)

    You ___ run around in the library. People are studying.

  • #5 1 pt(s)

    The light is red. We ___ cross the street now.

  • #6 1 pt(s)

    You ___ walk to school today. I can drive you there.

  • #7 1 pt(s)

    Complete: The box is too heavy for me. I ___ lift it.

  • #8 1 pt(s)

    Complete: Jackie is a good singer. She ___ sing very well.

  • #9 1 pt(s)

    Complete: If you are sick, you ___ skip P.E. class.

  • #10 1 pt(s)

    Complete: My dad ___ dance well when he was young.

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Quiz criado por school358 em 12/09/2020 e atualizado em 17/10/2022. Esse quiz foi resolvido 1503 vezes.
