• #1 1 pt(s)

    Assinale as afirmativas corretas quanto ao past perfect continuous.

  • #2 1 pt(s)

    Assinale as frases que estão no past perfect continuous.

  • #3 1 pt(s)

    Transforme a oração "I had been talking for the last hour with my sister before mom arrived" em uma oração negativa.

    Sua resposta:

  • #4 1 pt(s)

    Transforme a oração I had been talking for the last hour with my sister before mom arrived em uma oração interrogativa.

    Sua resposta:

  • #5 1 pt(s)

    Opte pelo tempo verbal correto.

    1. I had broken my leg when she arrived.

    2. She had been swiming during all summer.

    3. Had they arrived before I finished the homework?

    4. Had we been working when the accident happened?

  • #6 1 pt(s)

    Complete o texto abaixo:

    1. In september 11th of 2001, Jane working when the planes hited the buildings. Paul had been (to watch) TV when the images were transmited.

  • #7 1 pt(s)

    A tirinha abaixo possui o past perfect continuous?

  • #8 1 pt(s)

    A frase Rony and Dimas had been teaching in this university for four years, before they left to Australia está escrita incorretamente.

  • #9 1 pt(s)

    A frase "How long have you been waiting to getting your ticket?" está escrita corretamente.

  • #10 1 pt(s)

    Transforme a oração abaixo em uma frase negativa:

    Ann was really happy because she had been with her best friend all day.

    Sua resposta:

  • #11 1 pt(s)

    Opte por V para as afirmações verdadeiras e por F para as falsas.

Você deve responder o Quiz antes de conferir o resultado
Quiz criado por emilly-carvalho em 16/10/2019 e atualizado em 22/10/2019. Esse quiz foi resolvido 5076 vezes.
