• #1 1 pt(s)


    How do you say the words below in English?

    "poltrona, abajur, cadeira, torneira"

  • #2 1 pt(s)

    Organize the sentences and choose the correct option:

    A) are/ two/ There/ bedrooms/ house/ my/ in.

    B) house/ I/ a/ in/ live/ big.

  • #3 1 pt(s)

    The words "children, boxes, wives, cities", are the plural of "child, box, wife, city"?

  • #4 1 pt(s)

    What is the affirmative form of the sentence?

    "Does she know the whole story?"

  • #5 1 pt(s)

    In the "Simple Present", we add "s" or "es" to the "verb" when the subject is "I, You, We, They"

  • #6 1 pt(s)

    Which numerical sequence is correct?

  • #7 1 pt(s)

    How do you say 05:35 p.m in English?

  • #8 1 pt(s)

    What is the option where it contains only frequency adverbs?

  • #9 1 pt(s)

    Complete the sentence below with the correct option:

    "My mom ___________ with my grandma in the kitchen. (be/ talk)"

  • #10 1 pt(s)

    Which sentence below is incorrect?

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Quiz criado por elis267 em 14/01/2021 e atualizado em 05/01/2022. Esse quiz foi resolvido 273 vezes.
